Friday, December 23, 2005

Have it your way

There is a lot one could complain about regarding Christmas, and I do, but the recent surge of complaints that the holiday is or is not being called Christmas is just plain silly. Some (atheist, non-Christians, politicians and assorted profiteers) drop the Christ references to make for a more inclusive celebration, while others (the Christian right) strive to keep the Christ in Christmas for Christ sake.

Christmas has evolved into a big tent holiday celebrated by people from all walks of life, reflecting the array of cultures that now make up our supposed Christian societies. With the ubiquitous Christmas festivities forced upon Christians and non-Christians alike, folks gotta be able to deal with it as they see fit. Need a Christy Christmas then make it so. Want a Christ-free Christmas it can be yours too. However, if you’re like me and want to avoid the whole sordid mess, you’ll need to dig a hole and crawl in it – even TV fails me during the holidays with the tsunami of holiday specials and other joyful crapola.

If you insist the holidays be all-Christ-all-the-time, then keep it to yourself and leave all us heathens the hell out of it. If you find Christianity so God damned offensive, you best find yourself a little homeland made just for you and your like-minded intolerant s.o.b.

Why people are compelled to impose their beliefs upon others is beyond me. This age old human trait is at the root of most of the world’s man-made problems.

For the record I am a full-fledged Seinfeldologist.

Happy Festivus, for the rest of us

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